Veneer Art
Being in the wood industry with proficiency, deligence, and hard work for more than 30 years; through wildly touches various speices of wood and veneer around the world, Mrs. Sandy Lee, the founder of Ho Bridge, has deep feelings and love for the beauty and the soul of nature. Therefore, she started doing creative works by veneers, and established the veneer-art studio in the year of 2005; as long as she has spare time, she stays in the studio and enjoys the time with wood veneers.
Completing a veneer artwork is complicated. First, we have to distinguish the color of natural wood veneer and texture, after brainstorming the topic deeply in mind, we find and select the wood veneer from tons of raw materials. Next, we slice the selected veneers, and match them together into the ideal artwork. Once we are satified with the artwork, we will sand it repeatedly to make the surface smooth and glossy. Finally, eco-friendly oil will be evenly and roundly applied to the artwork seveal times by hands to provide the best protection for the artwork. Mrs. Sandy's veneer art pieces were awarded by international marquetry competition several times, and she also won the first prize in National Taiwan Art Society in 2019.
It's precisely because the materials of each artwork are from different kinds of trees all over the world, veneer artwork become pasterpieces. Through the veneer artworks, people can feel and understand the eternal beauty of nature better.